Sunday, 24 February 2013

Unbelievable weather.......still

And a few Snowdrops to boot.

This little bunch are well sheltered alongside a stone wall and are loving every minute of it. We even have a few Daffs popping their heads up in the garden.

White sand, blue skys and even bluer (is that a word?) seas,..... it sounds like I'm writing a holiday brochure for somewhere far far away.
Oh, wait a minute I am!

No trains, no ships, no motorways and only one tiny little plane, you can actually hear yourself breath........Bliss.

Until next time..................



  1. You live at the North Pole and we live on the outskirts of Brighton, this is the first year my husband can remember that our extra early February Gold mini daffs have not bloomed in Feb nor our crocuses .... Is this global warming do you reckon?

    1. Hi Lisa,

      Apparently this lack of snow and frost is normal here.
      The top of Scotland gets ravaged but out here it is strangely temperate.
      We have a rose in the garden and the Daffs are out, albeit in a pot as we do not have much soil.

      If it is global warming we might have made a good move.
