Wednesday, 13 February 2013

The wind became "chilly"

And we took the roller coaster to Tesco's

Another good "Drying day", but although there was still no ice, snow or frost to be seen the wind chill factor cut straight through our wussy old southerner clothes and disappeared with our flesh. 

The abundant bird population on the island didn't seem to mind things though........ as I snapped them from the comfort of our nice warm car.

Every second Tuesday seems to have become our top up shopping day where we catch the ferry into Kirkwall for the little... "essentials", these normally take the form of numerous two litre plastic bottles full of the amber nectar and a few scraps of food stuffs, which, apparently, are quite important. 

These little ships are so sturdy, I don't think I would be wrong if I said they sail in weather that would halt the cross channel ferries from Dover to Calais back down in Kent.

They certainly conjour up the feeling of Scottish grit and determination in me. What do you mean a force nine?  bring it on, let me at it!

This might be boring for some, but bear with me.
Leaving our first port of call today this little ship had to traverse an area with a vicious tide rip and a large sea swell was making things worse.
The skipper kept the port quarter taking the brunt of the waves (although she was dipping in every now and then) to stop the ship taking it all broadside, he held his course until he was no more than a few hundred yards from the shore of one of the islands and then he turned into it all and away we went to Kirkwall.

That man has a drink on the bar if he ever comes into the pub! 

Until next time............................


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