Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Ooooo.. We are being battered!!

And I don't mean in the fish and chip sense either.

Another ferry sailing was cancelled today...... but the next one battled it's way through this lot and our delivery of beer made it's way through and arrived shaken.... but not stirred. 

There are a few Fulmars along this stretch of beach, watching their skill and antics in the air as they skim the wave tops within inches and never ever touching them is something to behold.
Beholding them though is another matter with my little ole Kodak, they are just to the left of your screen right now.

Moody picture, moody picture..............The End Of The Line!

If I was Tracy whatsherface some gullable would probably pay a fortune for that.

Until next time............................



  1. Nice blog, hope you are still enjoying your adventure. I called in for a Guinness last week, first time I'd been in the hotel for a drink in over five years. It was WARM! What a difference. Have also heard lots of good reports about the food and the friendly welcome. Don't forget to send me a write-up for the Limpet (deadline 7pm on Wed 20 Feb).
    Bruce Fletcher (Claremont)

  2. Welcome to Orkney and your new adventure! I'll certainly point folk in your direction if they are in Stronsay (well they can't miss you really as they have to go right past your door!).
