Saturday, 2 March 2013

A Rush Hour Traffic Hold Up,

And I'm getting a new camera!!!

Having had their fill of the farmers "Neaps" (Turnips, Swedes etc) This lot wandered back to the barn.
Honking at them was just a waste of time.

This house has no road access at all as we found out the other day, the postie was walking along the small cliff edge to deliver a letter. This took him quite some time to get there and back and I could only think of what it must be like in the wind and rain.
The post must get through! 

Got one!
I also got some sky and a bit of sea, but that is not the point.
These Fulmars are very hard to get as they fly at great speed and with mind boggling agility, but.......I am finally going to get a "proper" camera and hopefully should be able to produce some "proper" pictures very soon.
My little 4 mega pixal Kodak has done well over the years but there is too much scope here on the island for stunning pictures.

I can't wait.

Until next time....................


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