Monday, 25 March 2013

A Bit of a Blow, But the Sun Soon Returns..

And I'm not sure who is the biggest Chicken!

The wind returned to Stronsay for a couple of days,

It stayed around just long enough to remove our skin and then chill the bones.

Today on the other hand, is a completely different story.

Once again the sun is shining, the wind has more or less gone, the skys are towering and the garden beckons.

In the garden we had a couple of visitors, "Madam" has never seen a Chicken before so a little pat at it might be in order

Not a chance......... as the Chicken wanders slowly away.

Only one thing to do now............

Hide behind a rock!

You can't see me because I'm not really here.

Until next time........................



  1. You need a new cat one that isna scared o chickens lol

    1. Aye, she's a daft bugger that one.

      Did that sound Islandish? :)

  2. Perhaps Ivan's cat could have a word with your cat?
