Wednesday, 4 June 2014

A Different Day Out,

And She Flies Like a Bird in the Sky.........


Summer is allegedly upon us and the ferry service is running Sunday excursions to the other isles that surround us.

This trip found us rounding the lighthouse at Start Point on Sanday and heading off to the isle of North Ronaldsay. 

Any further north and you apparently fall off the edge, Here there be dragons and all that sort of stuff.

The first thing you notice is that there is no RORO (Roll on roll off) facility here and things are done the old way.

Our poor old van didn't know what hit it.

Swing low sweet chariot..........

Going down......

Nearly there.........

Aaaand.....Whump, landed.

North Ronaldsay has a light house with a visitor centre (incorporating a bar) at one end, and a bird observatory (also incorporating a bar) at the other. 
The bar in the centre of the island has closed down.

This is an island with a population of around 60 people.

Tourism is rife. 

Moody pictures of times gone by are everywhere.

Mmmm.....The telecom tower sort of messed that up.

Three short hours later and the van was flying again. 


was soon leaving its place on the short pier....

and whisking us off back to Stronsay.

Closely followed by an obliging Gannet. 

Bit blurry but they are fast........excuses, excuses.

A Fulmar takes over the posing......

A blue sky would have been nice but a Haar (Scotch Mist) had descended by now. 

One day I'll get this right, this could have been a gem.

Next week it's off to Westray for the day!!

Until next time...................



  1. On the plus side Chris you must be saying on sun cream eh?
    NB What a Lark
