Getting The Land Legs Again.
Hits and misses......
One thing that we did miss whilst aboard Ubique, was our weekly treat of seafood.
Crabs, whelks, prawns, cockles and not forgetting the good old Jellied eels, have been sadly lacking from our diet.
Please sir can I have some more?
The staff at the stall welcomed us back with open claws arms!
Grass, green green grass. Lovely for all things garden....ish.
Mowing the damn stuff though is a different matter and something that I really did not miss.
I kid you not here......... after cutting it all down today I gave the mower a service that took all of an hour and a half, on testing the mower it cut a lower stripe in the grass that I had just cut.
It's out of control this green stuff, out of control I tells ya! Twitch, Twitch Twitch.
someone who shall remain nameless (It was D) only went and picked the winner of the National today at 14 to 1.
My two legged nag fell over as they let it out of the horse box.
Hit and a miss!
With the benefit of hindsight......with the money from the sale of Ubique on the nose of that nag we would be very, very rich right now.
It's a good job that we are sensible...................isn't it?
Hit or a miss?
Until next time.....................